Which Weapons Are Most Commonly Used for Homicides? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Which Weapons Are Most Commonly Used for Homicides? #Infographic

When you think of gun violence, what type of firearm comes to mind? There has been a big push to get assault rifles banned in the US but, do bad people with assault rifles cause the most damage?
This informative graph put together by the team at Criminal Attorney Columbus shows exactly which weapons were most commonly used for homicides in 2019. The overwhelming majority of this pie chart is homicide by handgun. With 45.7% of the total percentage, handguns make up the largest portion of weapons used in homicide. That percentage also varies from state to state. Maryland for example, is the state with the highest percentage of homicide due to handguns. On the flip side, Vermont is the state that ranks the highest for percentages of homicides with hands, fists, feet and other body parts. The other weapons making up the chart include rifles, shotguns, knives, and non-firearms like fire, poison, and hammers, etc. The highest percentages for homicide due to these other weapons are as follows: 

Vermont - highest percentage of homicides using rifles at 18.18% 

Maine - highest percentage of homicides using shotguns at 15% 

Delaware - highest percentage of homicides using unknown types of firearms at 56.3% 

Rhode Island - highest percentage of homicides using knives or cutting instruments at 28%. 

Idaho - highest percentage of homicides using other weapons at 37.1%.

Which Weapons Are Most Commonly Used for Homicides?

Infographic by: criminalattorneycolumbus

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