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Seven female S&P 500 CEOs #infographic

Despite having males mostly pointed at various positions including the C-Level ones, there have been seven females that were appointed as CEOs of the S&P 500. Unfortunately, the majority of industries in the world regardless of the country have gender discrimination while hiring new people as they prefer males over females to take the hold of a certain position. Whether it’s a beginner level post or a high-grade responsibility, females are considered incapable of holding the position.

Even though there has been a huge gender base role discrimination, some women have stood stronger enough throughout that no power could hold them back. A few of such powerful women, as mentioned in the infographic, have been successful in taking over the post of the Chief Executive Officer of S&P 500.

These talented women are working exceptionally hard and making some much-needed and effective changes in the corporate world. Along with that, they are also providing other capable women to achieve all the success they deserve.

Seven female S&P 500 CEOs
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