Digital Nomads are people who make use of telecommunication in order to earn living for themselves. All that a regular digital nomad requires is a laptop and a comfortable place to work from. Digital nomads might work from an airport lounge waiting for their flight, while relaxing in a hammock, in the home’s backyard with a cup of coffee – all perfectly affordable in the country where the nomad lives.
Isn’t that a dream job? Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has clipped the digital nomads’ wings temporarily but, as soon as the pandemic ends, the world would have a huge flock of freelancers from different parts of the world.
As you can see in the infographic, Vancouver in Canada has been found out to be the capital of digital nomad in the world as it has the highest number of tagged post on Instagram i.e., 57,401 posts. On the other hand, in Europe, the capital of England, London is considered the best digital nomad destination. There were around 47,244 posts with the location of London on Instagram.
As time passes, the type of work evolves into something more efficient and less hassling, that is what digital nomads do. Since the world of work is providing you with more options of your choice, people are opting for actually what they wanted to. The pandemic has proved that either you want to work from your comfy home or your getaway location such as beach or park, that is absolutely doable.