The COVID pandemic has brought a lot of ugly divisions to the forefront of our nation, which was already reaching a boiling point across political parties and races. To wear a mask or not to wear a mask; to stay 6ft apart or not; to get the vaccine or not; all of these issues have caused more rifts and greater distance among American citizens and even among friends and family. There are many things which are appropriate and even positive to debate and discuss from opposite ends of the spectrum, but health and safety should not be issues about which we base our opinions on the popular view of our political affiliates, nor the peers of our races. COVID affected the entire world, regardless of creed, color, economic status, or political leaning. Addressing this pandemic should be accomplished with as much unity from us as this “enemy of humanity” had in attacking the entire human race. One people; one cure. Learn how to build vaccine confidence toward herd immunity in the infographic below:
Infographic by: realchemistry