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Eminent Domain: Knowing Your Rights #Infographic

Believe it or not - yes, the government can take your land.  How would you feel if the government came along and did this - and was within their rights? It’s a part of the 5th Amendment - as long as the government is paying your just compensation and must claim the land for public use.   If you are a landowner, it’s essential to know your rights when it comes to the details of eminent domain. This is a phenomenon happening across the nation where the government is taking land over  - or even parts of a land parcel. 

The constitution grants the government these rights to seize your private property - even without the owner’s consent.  Let’s explore what just compensation actually is.  If your land has been subject to an eminent domain case, you'll first receive a notice of intent by mail. After that, you  are appraised of your land value and then by given a purchase offer based on the appraised value. 

You have a right to hire an attorney who can help you negotiate a better end goal.  Check the following infographic to learn more about eminent domain below:

Eminent Domain: Knowing Your Rights

Infographic by: injurylawyerflorenceky

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