50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made

There is evidence of bread-making from a 14,500-year-old archeologist dig site in a desert in northeastern Jordan. Bread has since been a staple food prepared by baking a dough made of flour and water. Bread is a popular and cultural part of different lives around the world. There are almost infinite combinations of different flours and other ingredients that can create a wide variety breads. Bread can be leavened by different processes and microbes like yeast and baked, or it may be left completely unleavened before baking.  You can see on this beautiful graphic of breads from around the world that bread can take many different shapes, forms, and be made with a wide variety of ingredients. As a basic food worldwide, bread is used in religious rituals as well as secular everyday life. A popular bread in Germany called Zwieback is made with flour, egg and sugar and it is baked twice for crispiness.  In Sweden you could find a bread known as Tunnbrod, made with wheat, barley and rye, yeast and rolled out with a pin. 

Take a look at some other favorite breads from around the world on this infographic created by How To Cook Recipes and try your hand at making some.

50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made

Infographic by: howtocook.recipes

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50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made #Infographic

50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made

There is evidence of bread-making from a 14,500-year-old archeologist dig site in a desert in northeastern Jordan. Bread has since been a staple food prepared by baking a dough made of flour and water. Bread is a popular and cultural part of different lives around the world. There are almost infinite combinations of different flours and other ingredients that can create a wide variety breads. Bread can be leavened by different processes and microbes like yeast and baked, or it may be left completely unleavened before baking.  You can see on this beautiful graphic of breads from around the world that bread can take many different shapes, forms, and be made with a wide variety of ingredients. As a basic food worldwide, bread is used in religious rituals as well as secular everyday life. A popular bread in Germany called Zwieback is made with flour, egg and sugar and it is baked twice for crispiness.  In Sweden you could find a bread known as Tunnbrod, made with wheat, barley and rye, yeast and rolled out with a pin. 

Take a look at some other favorite breads from around the world on this infographic created by How To Cook Recipes and try your hand at making some.

50 Breads From Around the World and How They Are Made

Infographic by: howtocook.recipes

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