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TikTok introduced a Q&A feature

What would be better than enhanced engagements between the content creators and the viewers? For that purpose, TikTok has released a new feature of Q&A through which the users can ask questions to the creator, which can be responded to in future videos or in any way the creator likes.

However, the Q and A option need to be manually enabled by the creator if they want their viewers to pose any questions; and if users pose questions, the creators will be able to view the entire list of questions asked via their own profile and select whichever they want to reply to. 

Once the feature is enabled, users will see a small icon in the comment bar of the video, which, when tapped, will bring up the question composer. Creators can also use the question asked as a prompt in their response video. There are numerous questions that pop up in the viewers’ minds while watching a video that they secretly wish to ask the creator; now, it has become super easy for better fan-creator engagements with this new update.

All that the content creators want is feedback and interest from their viewers. Hence, a quick Q&A feature is now no less than a blessing for both the creators and the viewers. However, only the selected content creators will have the option of Q and A available in their profile, and it is unclear that which creators are selected and which are not.

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