Samsung’s First AR Glasses are in the Making - Visualistan -->

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After experimenting with AR glasses for years, Samsung just leaked evidence that suggests that it is working on developing an AR wearable computing device.


The wearable is reportedly going to offer the functionality of projecting a giant virtual screen, providing a giant virtual computer monitor, firing up an auto-dimming “sunglasses mode,” or serving as an instant first-person-view screen for the DJI drone. It should also allow viewing 3D digital objects appear in the real world.


However, it is important to keep in mind that the visualization offered through AR glasses may not be as realistic. For instance, they offer a much limited field of view, i.e. only allowing a part of your visual field to be viewed, while the rest of it remains out of view.


It is also reported that Samsung’s smart glasses will be using a smartwatch to navigate its interfaces. Smartwatch control is one of the most sought-after technology for tech companies, such as Apple whose smartwatch and AR headset are currently in the making, and even Facebook’s hardware division that’s working on AR wearables is developing a smartwatch too.

Samsung’s First AR Glasses are in the Making


After experimenting with AR glasses for years, Samsung just leaked evidence that suggests that it is working on developing an AR wearable computing device.


The wearable is reportedly going to offer the functionality of projecting a giant virtual screen, providing a giant virtual computer monitor, firing up an auto-dimming “sunglasses mode,” or serving as an instant first-person-view screen for the DJI drone. It should also allow viewing 3D digital objects appear in the real world.


However, it is important to keep in mind that the visualization offered through AR glasses may not be as realistic. For instance, they offer a much limited field of view, i.e. only allowing a part of your visual field to be viewed, while the rest of it remains out of view.


It is also reported that Samsung’s smart glasses will be using a smartwatch to navigate its interfaces. Smartwatch control is one of the most sought-after technology for tech companies, such as Apple whose smartwatch and AR headset are currently in the making, and even Facebook’s hardware division that’s working on AR wearables is developing a smartwatch too.

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