80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Dont Require a Degree #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Degree

Student loan debt isn't fun for anyone, and with the average amount of student loan debt climbing for those across America, many students are now looking into potential careers that will pay decently, but also not saddle them with debt. The highest-paying job with the least amount of schooling required was found to be farm labor contractors. In this role, the average annual wage is $61,910 and requires no formal education. From the U.S. Career Institute, this infographic takes statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine the top 80 jobs that pay more than $50,000 annually, but also don't require a worker to have a college degree. This visualization also includes information on which roles are projected to experience the most growth between now and 2029. At 61%, Wind Turbine Technicians are far and away expected to experience the most growth in that time.

80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Degree

Infographic by: uscareerinstitute

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80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Dont Require a Degree #Infographic

80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Degree

Student loan debt isn't fun for anyone, and with the average amount of student loan debt climbing for those across America, many students are now looking into potential careers that will pay decently, but also not saddle them with debt. The highest-paying job with the least amount of schooling required was found to be farm labor contractors. In this role, the average annual wage is $61,910 and requires no formal education. From the U.S. Career Institute, this infographic takes statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine the top 80 jobs that pay more than $50,000 annually, but also don't require a worker to have a college degree. This visualization also includes information on which roles are projected to experience the most growth between now and 2029. At 61%, Wind Turbine Technicians are far and away expected to experience the most growth in that time.

80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Degree

Infographic by: uscareerinstitute

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