Since the launch of these consoles, i.e., PlayStation and Xbox with YouTube feature, people have started to watch online videos on their televisions connected to the consoles. Name a better duo than cozy winter nights and your favorite movie? But who would not want to watch it in HDR? People who own a PS5 or any of the Xbox Series were restricted from watching the videos in HDR. However, the YouTube app for PlayStation 4 supports HDR videos, but Xbox never had support for it.
But, the company has now finally enabled its support for all the Xbox models, including the existing ones, i.e., One S/X and the newly launched Xbox Series S and X. All you need is a TV or monitor that allows HDR videos, and YouTube will play the content in HDR automatically.
Now that a variety of platforms supports the HDR, we need more content in this mode so that it gets more interesting to watch. There are a lot of trailers uploaded in HDR quality, but unfortunately, bigger names have not yet created content that can be watched in HDR mode.