Once again, WhatsApp has done what it takes to assure protection to its dear users. For months, a lot of misinformation, as implied by the company, has been circulating around the world. The recent announcement of WhatsApp declaring their partnership with Facebook has taken a toll on people as it has urged them to look into their personal security. According to WhatsApp, the new policy will not affect the privacy of people's information or their conversation; it has and always will protect its user's information at all costs.
To suppress the rumors circling, WhatsApp has recently put its story message to the statuses of all the WhatsApp users. In these stories, WhatsApp assures its users about its commitment to the privacy and protection of their personal information. The company reaffirms to the users how despite the policy update, there will be no chance of invasion of privacy or sharing of data with the Facebook as the conversations will be fully end-to-end-encrypted and personal information will be protected like always.
WhatsApp is doing its best to prove the rumors wrong about its new policy update because people are now looking for alternative ways such as Telegram and Signal to communicate and avoid WhatsApp at all costs. Considering the blunders of Facebook in the past, people fear that WhatsApp will also collect people's private data for improvement of Facebook features. To dispel such rumors, WhatsApp is putting its best efforts and resolve people's misunderstandings. Countries like India and UK have already laid eyes on the status messages put out by WhatsApp.