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How to Plan Your Kid's Birthday According to Your Budget #Infographic

Every child's parents want the best birthday party for their kid. But the perfect party doesn't come easy at all. The most amazing party would also be costly. Budget should be the first thing on the mind of the parents. However, don't let budget hold you back. Even with a tight budget, there's so much that you can do for your kid's birthday. 

Remember that planning for a kid's birthday should not be difficult. This is because kids can find almost anything entertaining. An easier way to approach kid's entertainment is to think like a child yourself. What did you love as a child? Perhaps it was colourful patterns or games where you could just fool around. Whatever it might have been, it would have been far from fancy. Not that fancy is something bad, it's just that it isn't absolutely necessary. You can plan a fun party while keeping it simple.

To find a way to get all the supplies you need for your kid's birthday, try thinking in themes along with colour. For boys, usually blue colour or darker tones are more suitable. For girls, it's pink, white or any colour with shimmer and shine. Once you have decided on the theme, finding low-cost material becomes less tricky. Another thing you could do is to think in terms of cartoons. Cartoon-themed supplies are very affordable and they're so much fun too! 

After you are done figuring out the theme, next up is the guest list, invitation cards and venues. If you want to go completely modern, you can even skip the invitation cards in print and go digital only. However, it's the guest list and venues that will decide a major part of the remaining birthday party cost. The infographic below will give you a walk through all the steps. Happy birthday party planning!

How to Plan Your Kid's Birthday According to Your Budget

Infographic by: DiscountPartySupplies

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