Going Through the Pros and Cons of Cannabis #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Going Through the Pros and Cons of Cannabis #Infographic

Cannabis is no longer a substance that is illegal. It has been making the rounds for its advantageous effects on the mental health in particular. And even though it has its pros, we can't simply ignore the fact that the cons are still there. If you are someone who has been taking weed regularly, you need to be aware of both its advantages and disadvantages. 

There's a reason why cannabis used to be illegal. And if we dig deeper into this, the reasons make absolute sense. CBD and THC intake awareness is as essential today as it was during the time when cannabis was an illegal substance. Furthermore, the 'illegality' of cannabis was boosted by the image that Hollywood gave to it. The public was against it severely, as it had become associated with non-social behaviour. It was thought of as being consumed by people that have a bad character.

However, if you're completely new to weed and have been thinking of trying it, should you really go for it? A good way to decide is that weed should only be taken under certain circumstances. Let's put it this way instead: Weed is not a snack that you can have at any possible time. For instance, medical marijuana is not something that you should be having on your own. 

Where cannabis can have a good impact on mental health aspects, it can do the opposite to your physical health. It can damage your oral health and in some cases, even worsen or develop mental health issues as serious as schizophrenia. To learn more about how cannabis can help you deal with addictions and other medical conditions, have a look at the following infographic.

Going Through the Pros and Cons of Cannabis

Infographic by: LoudCloudHealth

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