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Facebook offers updates as Apple introduces blocking feature for apps

Apple has recently announced IDFA updates to preserve user privacy while using applications. This feature will allow Apple users to block any application from collecting their data during any time of the day. While this feature seems to be making a huge stride into the protection policies of the Apple users, Facebook is found to be immensely affected by the same update as Facebook's old tradition to collect userbase data through applications would be hindered in the process. To keep up with the iOS updates, Facebook has also introduced a login mode for the users. This mode will provide an edge to the application developers by allowing them to retrieve userbase data from the applications where IDFA update has already done its magic. 

For users who like to keep their information safe, the new update by iOS seems to be very tempting. It is expected that by the time people will know about this update, more than half of them will start using this feature for their benefit as everyone prefers privacy over personalization. The key through which data is collected from the userbase is called the SDK Software Development kit. This kit helps applications get their hands on the users' data, but considering the recent iOS updates, this kit seems like a far-fetched option now. Fortunately, Facebook has offered brand new updates called "Limited mode" and "Classic Mode" to facilitate the application maker despite the lurking blocking modes. Through these modes, the application makers can put a limit to the collected amount of data and get permission to access the user's data, but only after the consent of the user. These updates, altogether, will provide flexibility to the developers and help them stand their ground while Apple continues to bring updates like IDFA to the surface.

The new era demands control over their data, and Apple is doing everything it can to live up to people's expectations. On the other hand, Facebook is looking over at every single possibility to combat such changes that could leave a huge impact on the million-dollar company.

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