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Which countries pay the most affordable internet price? #infographic

Broadband internet has become one of the most basic requirements of our lives, just like air and water. Internet was not as important a decade ago as it is now, mostly because the world has relied upon technology for almost everything. Moreover, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, everyone was sent back home and advised to work/study from there. This is the time peak time when the internet is required in every single home around the globe for various purposes. From groceries to work, education to shopping, everything has been shifted to the digital media that requires a stable internet to function properly.

A lot of people in the world are facing internet issues due to the increased traffic, especially the ones that are dependent upon public internet. It is extremely crucial to have a stable internet connection that too at an affordable price. Charges for internet vary from country to country, and some regions might be lucky enough to have access to fast internet at a reasonable price, whereas some might be very unlucky and have to pay a hefty amount for an internet connection. The infographic below shows a broader view of internet charges around the globe. It also determines how much income on an average you must earn in order to get an internet connection.

The incomes around the world fluctuate depending on a variety of factors; the infographic below shows a detailed view of the percentage of the monthly average paycheck that one would need to spend on a 10mbps internet package in different countries of the world.

Broadband internet charges in different continents

As the wages vary in each country, prices for everything varies as well. Read along to know which country pays the least for good internet.

  1. North America – According to the studies, the USA has an average monthly wage of $4,000, and a monthly 10mbps internet package would cost around $7.01, and thus it is the most reasonable offer in the world. One would only have to spend 0.16% of their monthly salary on the broadband package per month. Whereas Canada and Aruba hold the second and third place for the best internet deals with broadband charges of 0.22% and 0.37% of an average monthly income, respectively. On the other hand, the countries with the worst deals for 10mbps internet include Haiti ($216.41), Honduras ($101.16), and Nicaragua ($84.97), which is more than half of the average salary a person earns per month.
  2. South America – A great spectrum of internet affordability is observed in the entire continent. People of Uruguay enjoys the best price, which is as low as $18.09 (1.53% of an average monthly income). However, the country with the least affordable internet is Suriname, i.e., $90.06 (43%) for 10mbps broadband service. 
  3. Europe – Most of the European countries get a 10mbps internet deal for less than 1% of their average monthly income. The richest countries of the continent, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and Luxembourg have an average monthly salary of more than $5,000, whereas the broadband deal costs them a minimum of $2.91, $3.29, and $4.08, respectively. Albania has a tough ride with the 10mbps internet package as it costs around $16.62 that is around 4.86% of an average 3-digits monthly income. 
  4. The Middle East and Central Asia – Regions in this continent have to pay a comparatively larger amount than any other continent. Israel gets the most affordable deal for $7.51/10mpbs, which is only 0.26% of an average $2,912.46 monthly paycheck. In contrast, most of the states from this region have internet deals worth 5% or more of their average monthly wage. Countries like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan get a broadband deal worth four times their average salary for a month. Yemen seems to be at the foot of the table as the people there have to pay 400 times their average monthly wage. 
  5. Rest of Asia and Oceania – Highly developed countries such as Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Japan have to pay their internet bills for 10mbps internet service between 0.15% to 0,28% of their average income. Singapore stands out among all the countries with the cheapest internet connection for only $6.02/10mbps per month whereas, the average monthly earning there is around $4,000. Some other countries from the region have monthly income of around $150, and internet deals cost them hundreds; for example, Timor Leste gets the hardest hit as the average salary is very minimum, i.e., $108.33, which will fail miserably to cover even the fifth of 10mbps internet cost. If the country had a 10mbps broadband service available, it would be charged around $640.74, which is 591.43% of the average monthly wage earned there. 
  6. Africa – Most of the countries in Africa lack the service of broadband, and the states that would have internet access are expected to pay 10% of their average monthly paycheck. South Africa has the most reasonable offers for an internet connection in the entire continent, i.e., people there have to pay $7 out of every $100 they earn in order to get a 10mbps connection. Whereas, Mauritania has an incredibly worst deal for the internet as an average monthly wage there is $60.50, and a 10mbps broadband service would cost $4,726.36, which is 7812.16% of their monthly earnings. 

Countries with the fastest internet speed compared to the cost

Internet speed is the foremost priority for most people, especially professional workers, movie lovers, and gamers. As per the infographic, Africa and Asia have slower internet speeds while Europe enjoys faster broadband internet connections. The internet speed is different in every part of the world, head to the infographic attached below for a deeper insight.

Which countries pay the most affordable internet price?
Infographic by: Netcredit.com

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