Netflix has been one of the most successful and dominant online video streaming platforms, which has gained enormous popularity in numerous countries. Though it is a paid application, still has billions of active users worldwide. However, Netflix’s pricing policies vary country by country, and hence, its number of users and popularity varies as well. The infographic below perfectly maps Netflix’s pricing over the world and which country pays the least and which pays the most to enjoy their favorite TV shows and movies on the platform.
Getting Netflix for yourself is not easy in every country since the subscription price varies. The infographic below shows the cost of a subscription as a percentage of the average monthly income of a person in each country. The results show that only people of Monaco and four other countries get an average salary of $5,000 per month.
Titles play a significant role in attracting the viewers; the titles for many famous TV shows and movies differ country by country. People in the USA enjoy around 6000 titles on the platform whereas, other countries have around 4,000 titles only. The territory of Angola has as low as 391 titles available. According to the infographic, Columbia has the best offers by Netflix in the world, i.e., $4.14 per month with a reasonable library that includes 4,282 titles. On the other hand, African countries such as Sudan, Somalia, and Angola are very unfortunate and get the worst deals from Netflix. People of these countries have to pay $7.99 per month for a Netflix subscription and get less than 600 titles on the library.
Netflix cost-per-title in different continents
- North America – In the entire continent, Canada is the luckiest country to get the best ever Netflix deals that offer 5,730 titles that make an average of 0.14¢/title. On the other page, Guatemalan Netflix gets the worst ride in the whole continent with a library of 1,800 titles, and each title costs 0.44¢.
- Europe – The United Kingdom gets the best deals with 0.15¢/title, and North Macedonia has the worst value of 1.16¢ for each title, followed by Bosnia, the second-worst with a rate per title, i.e., 1.14¢. Both countries get less than 800 titles in the library.
- South America – As mentioned above, Columbia has the best rates per title (0.097¢). Argentina and Brazil also enjoy lesser subscription cost (0.007¢/title). There is no such poorly valued Netflix in the entire continent of South America. Paraguay is the only most-paying country in the continent with a rate of 0.23¢ per title but, the users enjoy 3,466 titles in the library.
- The Middle East & Central Asia – The countries in the Middle East and Central Asia share a similar cost for Netflix subscriptions except for Turkey, which enjoys super cheap offers, i.e., 0.10¢ per title with a vast library. Countries like Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and Iran have to pay around 1.28¢ per title for 1,000 or fewer titles.
- Rest of Asia and Oceania – In the region, Australia enjoys the best value (0.01¢/title). From Asia, India gets 5,591 titles, which costs 0.12¢ per title whereas, Sri Lanka pays 1.13¢ per title for a total of 709 titles. The difference in Asia is more with the library size instead of subscription cost size.
- Africa – South Africa with a great value, i.e., 0.12¢ per title for 4,987 titles in the library. Angola, on the other hand, pays the worst price (2.04¢) in the world for an extremely paltry library of 391 titles only.