Natural Resources such as coal, oil, and gas from all around the world have come a long way. In the beginning, people used to burn coal to light fire but as soon as they got their hands on the gas made out of coal or even better, liquefied gas, it not only turned their lives around but also proved to be an asset for the market. The reports from the year 2019 have clearly declared the winner of the world’s primary energy consumption which is Natural gas as it has bagged 24.2% energy consumption worldwide. Another biggest region that consumes energy to cater to its natural needs in the Asia Pacific where coal is found abundantly.
The following chart explains the different states and regions that are rich in different natural resources. For instance, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is reported to be rich in Natural gas, whereas countries such as America, Europe, and Africa are reported to be rich in oil.
All in all, it is quite evident from the statistics recorded in the previous years that oil and coal are the true controllers of the worldwide natural gas market and with the help of technology, new ways are surfacing now and then to consume these natural resources more simply and cost-effectively.