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The Positive Impact of Art on Our Brain #Infographic

Where art and science are thought to be at crossroads with each other, the opposite is true. The close relationship and link between art and science exist and science itself has proven it. Our mental health depends upon our surrounding. The better the environment is to our senses, the greater and more positive the impact on our mental health.

Ask yourself a simple question right now – Would you like to be in a room that is blank and dull or a room in which there is at least a colour? Your answer would be the second one unless you're feeling low. But here's the thing: Our brains react to art more when they're feeling low. Art is known to tackle humongous mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. 

And it doesn't just end there. Art enhances a lot of areas of our brain. With pleasant artworks around, we tend to have increased concentration and productivity. An atmosphere that makes you feel glad to be alive, will also keep you happy while you're at work, no matter how demotivated you might be feeling. It also helps in communication and improving social skills. If you think about it, there is art wherever you go. Whether it exists in the natural world, or whether you witness it in man-made marvels like architectural exteriors and interiors.

Paintings, drawings, sculptures, arts of all media and genres can communicate a message and leave a powerful and positive impact on our brain. To learn more how it happens, have a look at the below infographic!

The Positive Impact of Art on Our Brain

Infographic by: AccentArtAndFrame

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