Share of Voting age population in Asian countries #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Share of Voting age population in Asian countries #infographic

Asian countries have always managed to bag the topmost positions, be it presidential elections, Olympics, or any global event with international attention. The report of 2020 U.S. Presidential Election says that in comparison with the previous Presidential Elections of U.S., this year’s election has experienced better and improved participation of the voters, but that still is not remotely close to what Asian countries have achieved in relatively lesser time than the U.S.
The following chart provides an insight into the share of the voting-age population in General or parliamentary election or Presidential Election. Taking the lead, Indonesia stands the tallest among other Asian countries including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Korea, Phillippines, India, Malaysia, Japan, and Pakistan.

Share of Voting age population in Asian countries #Countries #Infographics #President #Government
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