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Feeling low? Here’s some simple ways to improve your mood

Times are tough at the moment, which is why maintaining our mental health is of the utmost importance. Anything can set off the feeling of being low or depressed, whether it’s loneliness or the loss of a job. It can happen to anyone, and at any time. 

There are ways in which we can fight off those negative feelings, though. It can be easy to fall into bad habits and fall out of daily routines which, in turn, can lead to mental health issues and the feeling of being stuck in a rut. It’s totally normal. Even the most successful people in the world suffer from mental health issues and feel low from time to time. It’s how we manage those situations when they arise, which is important, then bounce back and make sure we keep them at a minimum in the future. 

It can, of course, be easier said than done though. With that in mind, here are a few simple ways you can improve your mood if you’re feeling low and depressed. 

Set goals and smash them 

Setting yourself goals and meeting them can lead to the feeling of accomplishment and therefore happiness. Whether it’s a fitness goal or a diet, set yourself a realistic target and aim to smash it. Visiting casinos that are allowing users to win money online or firing up a game on your Nintendo Switch passes the time, but completing a level or winning a prize is hardly a beneficial goal in terms of your mental health. Think of what you can do, what will be beneficial for you and then go from there. It’s important to not put too much pressure on yourself, too. 

Spend more time with friends and family 

We all require some time with our family and friends in times of need, especially if they are receptive to the way that you’re feeling and you can talk to them about your difficulties. Obtaining advice and support from the people you care about most can be hugely beneficial. Alternatively, if you feel uncomfortable talking to your loved ones about such issues, then calling a helpline or arranging an appointment with your doctor is another beneficial step to take. Spending time with others and talking about how you’re feeling is a great way of putting it behind you and moving forward. 

Do things you enjoy, even if you don’t feel like it 

Maybe it’s watching a movie or playing a game of tennis, but doing the things you enjoy will help take your mind off any negative thoughts and enable you to switch off. It can also improve your mood and increase the likelihood of positive thoughts moving forward, too. 

Make sure you get out of the house 

When we’re feeling low or thinking negatively, the last thing we want to at times is to go out and about and put ourselves in front of the public. It’s totally normal to feel that way, but staying indoors for long periods of time isn’t. To avoid that, make sure you go out every day - even if it’s for a short walk to the shops - and take in some exercise, listen to the sound of the birds chirping and smell the nature around you.

Fight off negative thoughts

If any negative thoughts arise, be sure to focus on the positive things about you and your life, perhaps by jotting them down. Then, at times when you’re feeling increasingly low, read them and remember the good things you have in life and then use them as your motivation to bounce back.

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