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The Energy Storage Technology #infographic


Energy is the most important resource today. Everything runs on some form energy now and electricity is the most popular of all. There is so much energy being produced and consumed right at this very moment that it cannot be comprehended. However, where energy is produced, it is also needed to be stored. Batteries are made for that job as they contain the energy and dispose them when needed.

Energy storage is the capture and retention of energy that is produced at any time and to be used at another time. The world uses accumulators to store energies, they are much like batteries and perform the same way as well. Global energy storage capacity has doubled in the last two years, more notably between 2017 and 2018 however, in 2019 there was a surprisingly decrease in the storage unit needs.

To know more about the energy storage and its global growth, rise and fall, take a look at the infographic below.

The Energy Storage Technology #infographic

Infographic by: energyminute

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