A home with empty walls seems just like that— incomplete. It doesn't matter if you have recently shifted to a new place, or you've been considering giving your entire home a makeover. Art, be it in whatever form, adds a personal touch to your home and also allows you to instantly express your personality to your visitors.
Planning what to buy to go on your walls can be tricky. And once you've had what you want, it can be even trickier to work out how to arrange all the frames. First of all, you need to be clear about the kind of look you want. There are endless themes to choose from. For instance, you can go for vintage, floral, victorian, folk, and so many more. You can even create your own theme if you wish.
And before you go on to purchase any pieces to go up on your wall at all, you need to keep the colour of the wall in mind as well. You also need to be sure about where you want to hang all these artworks. Some of the common choices include living rooms or the corridor or passage from the main door. The infographic below will help you further decide how to organise picture frames for your home sweet home.
Infographic by: BridgewaterGlass