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Google will No Longer Allow Paid Chrome Extensions

Google just announced that it is putting an end to paid Chrome extensions on the Chrome Web Store. As a result, developers who have been monetizing their extensions will have to turn to other payment handling systems and they can not make new paid extensions anymore. 

Back in January, Google came up with a policy for temporary suspension of publishing paid extensions after the company observed fraudulent transactions being made in an attempt to exploit users. 

It seems like Google has just updated the existing policy, which will now prohibit existing extensions from charging customers via the Chrome Web Store payment system. The policy will come into action starting 1st of February, according to Google.

Moreover, in April as well, Google had announced some new rules around extensions, focusing on reducing ''spammy extensions'' by banning multiple extensions doing the same thing, preventing developers from manipulating reviews in order to get better placement for their extensions, and prohibiting extensions that abuse notifications. 

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