Bug in Instagram's App for Android Enables Attackers to Get Control over Users' Smartphones - Visualistan -->

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It has been noticed by CheckPoint in a recent study that Instagram's app for Android has a bug that is allowing hackers to hack the camera and headphone jack of Android phones. Attackers can get control of the entire device by simply sending images crafted to the users of Android phones. 

Not only that, but hackers can also cause variations in the users' Instagram profiles. Once users' privacy is exploited, they become victim to a number of other issues revolving around their reputation on social media.

Facebook has revealed that the issue affects all the versions of the Instagram app before version, released in February of this year. The issue was first discovered and fixed six months ago by Facebook engineers and users were encouraged to update their Instagram app, in order to keep themselves safe from the privacy breach. 

Facebook stated that the bug doesn't affect majority of the Android phones. Still, it is important that all Android users that have the Instagram app installed on their phones update both the app and OS frequently, according to CheckPoint. CheckPoint further encourages users to monitor all of their apps regularly, especially those that demand extra permissions, and if the instructions don't look satisfactory, then users must refrain from approving the permission. 

Bug in Instagram's App for Android Enables Attackers to Get Control over Users' Smartphones

It has been noticed by CheckPoint in a recent study that Instagram's app for Android has a bug that is allowing hackers to hack the camera and headphone jack of Android phones. Attackers can get control of the entire device by simply sending images crafted to the users of Android phones. 

Not only that, but hackers can also cause variations in the users' Instagram profiles. Once users' privacy is exploited, they become victim to a number of other issues revolving around their reputation on social media.

Facebook has revealed that the issue affects all the versions of the Instagram app before version, released in February of this year. The issue was first discovered and fixed six months ago by Facebook engineers and users were encouraged to update their Instagram app, in order to keep themselves safe from the privacy breach. 

Facebook stated that the bug doesn't affect majority of the Android phones. Still, it is important that all Android users that have the Instagram app installed on their phones update both the app and OS frequently, according to CheckPoint. CheckPoint further encourages users to monitor all of their apps regularly, especially those that demand extra permissions, and if the instructions don't look satisfactory, then users must refrain from approving the permission. 

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