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The rise of Telehealth services during Covid-19 pandemic #infographic

What are Telehealth services? 

The use of telecommunication technologies and electronic information for spreading health-related news and providing medical services are known as Telehealth services. Through telehealth, healthcare providers can share awareness, news, advice, and monitor patients and fellow beings from long distance.

In the current times of the Covid-19 pandemic, telehealth has seen massive growth. This is because both the providers and consumers have accepted technology to play a vital part, especially in terms of healthcare services. To enhance the quality of virtual care, several amendments have been made in telehealth during Covid-19.
As per the research carried out by McKinsey & Company, the telehealth services market is likely to reach around $250 billion. Another research predicts that by 2025, telehealth would see an enormous growth by 7-folds. The main reason for the drastic growth of telehealth was the Covid-19 pandemic, when people were unable to step out of their homes. Consumers and providers made the maximum use of technology for the betterment of humankind.

Telehealth will continue to grow in the upcoming years if policymakers keep certain things in their minds while changing or creating new policies.

The rise of Telehealth services during Covid-19 pandemic

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