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The Most Dangerous Molds in your Homes

Mold can be growing in your house and you won't even know about it. It is one of the biggest challenges that homeowners face when renovating because mold is found where they aren’t expecting it. Mold poses a threat to a house’s interior and its structural integrity as well as the air quality.

You must ensure regular inspection of your house in order to find mold when it is new and can be removed easily. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the mold is a threat to the quality of life of you and your family as it compromises the air quality.
Mold is caused by the moisture and one thing that you can do to reduce the mold growth is to reduce the moisture in your house. This can be done by installing those modern thermostats that allow flexible options in your homes including increasing or reducing moisture and humidity.

Thermostats aren’t the only solution – dehumidifiers, waterproofing the basement and cleaning up wet carpets and bathrooms also play a vital role in decreasing the risk of mold in your house. There are a lot of dangerous types of mold that can grow in your house, which are explained in the infographic below.

The Most Dangerous Molds in your Homes

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The Most Dangerous Molds in your Homes #infographic

The Most Dangerous Molds in your Homes

Mold can be growing in your house and you won't even know about it. It is one of the biggest challenges that homeowners face when renovating because mold is found where they aren’t expecting it. Mold poses a threat to a house’s interior and its structural integrity as well as the air quality.

You must ensure regular inspection of your house in order to find mold when it is new and can be removed easily. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the mold is a threat to the quality of life of you and your family as it compromises the air quality.
Mold is caused by the moisture and one thing that you can do to reduce the mold growth is to reduce the moisture in your house. This can be done by installing those modern thermostats that allow flexible options in your homes including increasing or reducing moisture and humidity.

Thermostats aren’t the only solution – dehumidifiers, waterproofing the basement and cleaning up wet carpets and bathrooms also play a vital role in decreasing the risk of mold in your house. There are a lot of dangerous types of mold that can grow in your house, which are explained in the infographic below.

The Most Dangerous Molds in your Homes

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