The Deepest Underground Structures in the World #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Deepest Underground Structures in the World #Infographic

Did you know that the deepest artificial point on Earth is the Kola Superdeep Borehole? It's located in the Pechengsky District in Russia and sits at 12,262 meters below the Earth's surface. This was actually done in an attempt to drill as far as possible into the Earth's crust!

With this infographic from Alan's Factory Outlet, you'll learn all about the deepest underground structures from around the world, which all include railway tunnels, swimming pools, subway stations, underground laboratories, caves, mines, and even hotel rooms! The Silvermine Hotel in Sala, Sweden is home to the deepest hotel room in the world, the Mine Suite, which sits 155 meters below the Earth's surface. Would you be willing to stay there, if you could? It's also worth noting that South Africa is home to the four deepest mines in the world, with the deepest being Gauteng, South Africa's Mponeng Gold Mine, which is 4,000 meters deep.

The Deepest Underground Structures in the World
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