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Some Cool Facts About Sharks #Infographic

Sharks are the most savage of all marine life, or so they are thought to be. They are known to be mighty creatures and are perhaps also known the best for their sharp teeth and their killer instincts in the underwater world. But this killer tag is also a result of the stereotypical sharks shown in films and other fictional content. For instance, the Jaws series is all about sharks killing people, but that is not always the case in reality.

Apart from the stereotypes revolving around sharks, it is also saddening to see that they are the ones getting targeted too. Sharks are hunted specifically for their fins, which is a clear cut violation of animal rights. Moreover, like any other fishes and marine creatures, they are also likely to get caught up in fishing nets. As if this wasn't enough, the recent uplift in climate change has threatened the lives of many marine creatures, including all these various sharks. It is essential to consider that no matter how mighty these creatures are under the sea, they are as bound to be affected by human cruelty and climate change.
Sure, sharks are indeed predators and carnivores, but that doesn't mean they will always attack or kill you. In fact, you can follow a couple of tips to ensure your safety. The first and foremost safety tip is to avoid swimming alone, as sharks are more likely to attack loners. Make sure to avoid going too deep in the waters, particularly at intense times of the night, dawn and at sunset. Also, avoid the waters if you are bleeding, as sharks can sense blood very well.

What's more than these few safety tips? These fantastic marine creatures also have a variety of species— more than 500! All of these species vary in sizes, from being as tiny as 8 inches to be as large as 80 feet. The infographic below will sum up some cool shark facts for you.

Some Cool Facts About Sharks

Infographic by: TheSignal

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