The year 2020 has brought along with it the global coronavirus pandemic. And with this COVID-19 pandemic, out lifestyles have completely or partially evolved. This goes for both the offline and online world. As far as offline is concerned, the lockdown trend has mostly left all of us isolated. So, this isolation has affected the way we interact with each other, producing trends worth looking into.
Keeping these restrictions in view, many organisations have changed the way they work. Many companies have also looked into how consumers and user behaviour is changing. Or just how humanity is changing emotionally and mentally in general, if not for the interaction with their brands. Likewise, Facebook too has made an in-depth analysis and research on how mindful wellness is being made possible, thanks to digital and social media. This research also includes data from a few third parties, whereas the sample consists of 34,000 users.
While the results remain astonishing as standalone facts, they can also prove useful for digital marketers. So, isolation due to lockdowns and quarantines has drastically affected e-commerce, online methods of staying in touch, contribution to causes, more support to local businesses, and even offline recreational activities that can be done in the comfort of one's home. The infographic below provides a few valuable points from the report.
Infographic by: FacebookIQ