If you're here right now, it's probably because you're a bibliophile. You're crazy about books, completely addicted to them but how do you get books on a budget? If you're a new bibliophile, then it might be even trickier for you. Maybe you come across a book that is so expensive that you need to save up two months for it, minus all the other essential expenses you require to run your home.
First things first, it's not always necessary to buy brand new books. In fact, if you go for new books all the time, your chances of becoming broke are way quicker. There are many book-swapping facilities that allow you to swap books with other readers. Additionally, there are also services via which you can return the books in exchange for some percentage of money back after you are done reading them.
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There are many other options available too. Thanks to technology, audiobooks and ebooks have become acceptable in the bibliophile community. However, let's assume that you are not at all tech-savvy, so in that case, you need to save up by going for book swapping services as mentioned before. Thanks to the rise of e-commerce websites and online marketplaces, looking for discounted or even free books has become easier than ever.
You can find some great resources for all kinds of books on a budget, in the infographic below.
Infographic by: CouponChief