The ongoing pandemic and the lockdown following it have imposed many restrictions on people all over the world. Mental health problems are becoming common in people who had absolutely nobody to share the lockdown with. Of course, this is also true for people sexually, as the nature of COVID-19 does not allow people to interact with each other.
So how have people been sexually satisfying themselves? Of course, living in an age of multiple advancements, there are a lot of options to cope with actual sexual interaction. Technological advancements and other devices such as sex toys have made it possible to experience passion and pleasure of your partner even when they're at a distance.
When it comes to talks of sexual pleasure, sex technology can also be seen in the trends. There are apps that are synchronised with sex simulating devices. An example would be your long-distance partner using the app to send vibrations on the device, as a signal of sensuality.
For many people, all the said ways pretty much help them cope with the pressure and also give them sexual pleasure. But can all that really ever be an actual substitute? The answer is most probably no, but you can use these multiple ways of safe sexual pleasure while you're at home. The infographic below sums everything up.
Infographic by: TheSignalOnline