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First Covid-19 vaccine successfully developed by Russia

After fighting with one of the deadliest diseases for more than half a year, Russia became the first country to develop a vaccine against Coronavirus. The vaccine provides “sustainable immunity” against Coronavirus, says President Vladimir Putin. He also says that the world’s first Coronavirus vaccine has been registered.

Putin tells that a number of tests had been run before the official announcement of the vaccine’s invention. He further added that his daughter also received the vaccine shot and is now feeling a lot better. The first inoculation will be made on the healthcare workers, teachers and other groups risking the disease, says the Russian authorities.

Many scientists from all around the world have been skeptical and question the decision of registering the vaccine prior to the Phase 3 trials, which takes several months and is performed on thousands of people.

Despite the doubts, 20 countries have already pre-ordered billions of vaccine doses. The vaccine has been named “Sputnik V” for the foreign market in reference to the first satellite of the world.

First Covid-19 vaccine successfully developed by Russia

First Covid-19 vaccine successfully developed by Russia

After fighting with one of the deadliest diseases for more than half a year, Russia became the first country to develop a vaccine against Coronavirus. The vaccine provides “sustainable immunity” against Coronavirus, says President Vladimir Putin. He also says that the world’s first Coronavirus vaccine has been registered.

Putin tells that a number of tests had been run before the official announcement of the vaccine’s invention. He further added that his daughter also received the vaccine shot and is now feeling a lot better. The first inoculation will be made on the healthcare workers, teachers and other groups risking the disease, says the Russian authorities.

Many scientists from all around the world have been skeptical and question the decision of registering the vaccine prior to the Phase 3 trials, which takes several months and is performed on thousands of people.

Despite the doubts, 20 countries have already pre-ordered billions of vaccine doses. The vaccine has been named “Sputnik V” for the foreign market in reference to the first satellite of the world.

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