Surf the internet a little, and you will see a massive number of bloggers and journalists scattered on every social media platform. Writing is one of the most common professions opted by almost everyone needs some things to be kept in mind. In order to make your content stand out, there are some writing habits that you should understand and eliminate them from your writing.
How would you feel if you come across a piece of writing that has copied most of the content you wrote? Won’t it feel stolen? That is exactly why plagiarism is against ethics and also illegal. It is one of the most common mistakes done by the writers. Many writers believe that copying the content and changing sentence fragmentation would not count as plagiarism. But, the truth is that copying thre to four consecutive words is counted as plagiarism. To avoid this issue, various websites are available where you can upload your content and check the uniqueness.
Another important habit that you should strictly avoid is the late submission of work. To build trust and maintain your reputation as a professional blogger/journalist, completing the assigned tasks within the set deadline is highly important.
Avoid repeating the same thing over and over again, as this will make the reader lose interest in your blog. Some other mistakes include grammatical errors, false information, extremely difficult choice of words, putting your personal views or biasness into words, and much more.
Every skilled and experienced blogger first understands the topic, does good research, collect facts and points to be highlighted and then arrange everything perfectly into sentences. For your help in this matter, we have attached an infographic below.