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Why Art is Good for Kids #Infographic

The early years of every human being lay down the foundation for the rest of their lives. Child development is one of the most important topics in psychology. It is a blend of physical skills, mental as well as emotional feelings during the transitional years from the time of birth, all the way to the commencement of adulthood. Who doesn't want the best for their child? 

Even before they can write, a child has the potential to make art because of their inherent playful nature. Through art, children learn to explore, experiment and make something which conveys their feelings and thoughts in the purest form. It also helps develop their motor skills, as they learn hand-eye coordination while drawing, painting, sculpting and similar activities.
Apart from motor skills, it also boosts brain development as it increases the power of imagination, paving the way to understanding the world in a variety of ways. It enables and improves a child's visual learning skills. This also helps them to better associate pictures and the variety of things they see in their daily lives, with words they already know or are learning. It helps them enhance their vocabulary, offering and promising them a life-long capacity of learning and good communication and social skills with people of all backgrounds and ages. In the long run, they gain confidence in their learning and artistic abilities.

With the rise of STEM educational campaigns, that is vouching for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics based education system, many campaigns have been launched to support art education as well since it has been on a decline. Educators and psychologists encourage art for the well-being of children, and it yet remains an important profession as well regardless of the decline of funds and programs. To incorporate art into this modern world of high technology, many people have been giving a thumbs-up for STEAM education, in which the 'A' is for Art and is treated equally important.

Also See: Improving Your Everyday Life Through Art Therapy #Infographic

As art remains therapeutic even for adults, it is no doubt that cultivating the love for art in children can only help them become a better and well-rounded human being. Have a look below for an overview of the various benefits your child can get from art!

Infographic by: MomLovesBest

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