Media has significantly evolved over the past few decades and has stemmed its roots in people's lives more than we could have imagined. People choose their career because they have an inspiration or someone they look up to. In a study, upon surveying 1,500 employed people, it was found out that this inspiration could also have been the result of the choices made by their favorite characters in a movie or TV show. Most of the people working in the field of marketing agreed to be influenced by TV shows and movies.
Career choice inspired by Media
What is the worth of a genre
The favorite genre of the respondents belonging to different work fields was exceptionally different from each other as it reflected their own personal and professional interest. For instance, the genre of Military generated the highest income on an annual basis, which means that people who were engaged with this specific genre generated more money than the admirers of other genres.
Media has not only inspired people to increase their knowledge politically and socially, but it has also helped the people to choose what is best for them. Many people who had vague ideas about their future are now winning in their lives just because they were able to find a reason to commit to it.