Most popular E-Commerce platforms today #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Most popular E-Commerce platforms today #infographic

E-Commerce has exploded onto the scene and has grown into a trillion-dollar industry in the nick of time – and still growing. Many companies have jumped on the bandwagon by creating their online presence and conducting their businesses online. With the amount of online traffic and purchases going on these days, it was inevitable for E-Commerce to reach the heights it is standing on today.
There are tons of E-Commerce platforms present at the moment on the internet. An E-Commerce platform is a technology that allows a seller to sell their products and buyers to buy from them. Any website that is designed to deal with some type of transaction is called an E-Commerce website.

Today’s infographic brings the most popular E-Commerce websites in the world with its pros and cons and how they impacted the E-Commerce industry in general.

Most popular E-Commerce platforms today

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