Work, work, work... Maybe this is the 24/7 mantra of your brain. And it's no wonder either since smart technology has only increased our work hours. Although there are many kinds of jobs that people can take, ranging from the most common full-time jobs to part-time jobs or even freelancing or working from home, work takes over a major part of our lives. While most of us easily leave our work behind to relax and engage in other personal activities and tasks, many of us don't really get out of it mentally. With smartphones, we are always being reminded of work one way or the other.
Even long after we are done with our typical work hours, a lot of us cope with work pressure. For instance, a sudden e-mail requiring some urgent work to be done after office or work hours may also get your spirit down. So you need to know how to respond with a 'no' before matters get worse and you find yourself working even during the rest of the hours that you weren't supposed to. Ultimately, you'll feel exhausted somewhere around midnight and drained of energy for the next day.
Too much of anything can be overwhelming and work is no different when it comes to this rule, whether you're getting a bonus for the all extra work or not. So how do you divert your mind after your work hours? There are a few simple hacks that can help you get started. The simplest one is making a to-do list and strictly following it. Make sure you are aware of your goals for the day and the next day in advance, and if you quickly achieve all the goals for the day, don't try to rush through to get the next day's goals done.
Secondly, many of us have a separate phone for work which may not be needed after the work hours, so it's better to shut it down and put it aside somewhere where you can't reach it easily. Also while there is no harm in surfing the Internet after work, make sure you have no work-related tabs open or you don't spend too much time looking at the screen. Since most of us have to use a computer for work, added screen-time may cause headaches, eye-strain and a lot of other mental and physical health problems.
Like they say, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." And so, the infographic below will help you keep your personal hours separate from your work hours. Who wants them to intertwine anyway?
Infographic by: SavingSpot