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Donald Trump Expresses Regret for his Tweets and Retweets

U.S. President Donald Trump mentioned in an interview with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy taped this Thursday, that he often regrets his tweets and retweets. He has also been a subject of criticism over the way he uses his Twitter account, the concern of which he expressed in the interview as well. The President is known for tweeting and retweeting controversial messages on Twitter.


We put it [the tweet] out instantaneously, we feel great, and then you start getting phone calls, ‘Did you really say this?’ I say, ‘What’s wrong with that?’ And you find a lot of things.”, the President went on to say in the interview. Then he continued, saying that the tweets are not really the problem, but the retweets.


Trump had also mentioned similar things in an interview last year, where he said that some of his tweets caused trouble for the White House.

Among his controversial retweets was a recent tweet that he had shared, consisting of a video showing a Trump supporter yelling “white power” in response to protestors. Trump later on deleted the tweet which was followed by an explanation from the White House that the president had not “heard” the phrase when he shared the video.


Another tweet by the president that caused him trouble was about criticism against the Minneapolis protestors. The message in the Tweet said “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”. The phrase was actually used by a Miami police chief while cracking down on protests, which Trump denied having the knowledge of.


Earlier this month, Trump shared yet another controversial tweet showing a game show host that allegedly said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others were lying about the coronavirus in order to harm Trump’s chances of reelection.


Trump also added in the interview that he believed that Twitter is a powerful tool for messaging and that he personally uses it to cut against “fake news”.

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