Cannabis Consumer Trends in the United States 2020 #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Cannabis Consumer Trends in the United States 2020 #Infographic

Cannabis, also known as Marijuana or Hashish, is one of the topmost consumed substances in the United States of America. It is derived from tall plants with tiny leaves. The plant names are actually Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis, while the drug derived from it is known as cannabis. Some people like to refer to cannabis as weed, while some still have the opinion that cannabis is somewhat more of a legal substance, so using terms like pot or weed doesn't make sense to the latter.

Cannabis is used for a variety of purposes, which include medical, recreational, and other. For medical purposes, the majority of people use cannabis to calm down their nerves, increase confidence levels and relax their mind. It is also said to help with low appetite issues. For recreational purposes, people consume cannabis to be more creative and loosen the fits of boredom.

However, it is also important to mention that cannabis can have negative effects on some people as well. These include low blood pressure levels, heart issues, anxiety, laziness, paranoia, to name a few. The intensity and duration with which these side effects are felt depend upon the form in which you consume cannabis. For instance, if you smoke it, then the negative impact can be felt within minutes. On the other hand, if you consume it in the form of a capsule or a pill, it may as well take a few hours for the side-effects to show up.

Also See: Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the US #Infographic

As of 2019, California is the state in which Cannabis is sold the most. Just by 2022, the Cannabis industry is expected to boom $4.1 billion dollars. Have a look below for the motivations and statistics of consumer spending on cannabis in the United States in 2020.

Cannabis Consumer Trends in the United States 2020

Infographic by: WeekendGardener

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