Google is Building a New Private Subsea Cable in Spain - Visualistan -->

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Google just announced that it is planning to build a new subsea cable that will be linking the U.S., U.K., and Spain. The new cable is named after the pioneering computer scientist, Grace Hopper and will join Google's various other private subsea cables including the Curie, Dunant, and Equiano cables.

Grace Hopper is reported to go online in 2022. Google is planning to get it built by SubCom, that the company had collaborated with for its Dunant and Curie cables as well. 

Furthermore, Google also plans to launch a new Google cloud in Madrid soon, so perhaps it is working on connecting the region to its global network. The new cable will be Google's first cable in Spain and first private subsea cable route to the U.K.

The cable will contain 16 fibre pairs and according to Google, will be the first cable to feature a new switching architecture that the company developed with SubCom. With this new system, traffic can be moved around outrages more efficiently and with greater reliability. 

The Grace Hopper cable will be Google's fourth fully-owned cable. In addition to that, the company is also a member of several consortiums that jointly operate cables around the world. 

Google has announced investments in a total of 15 subsea cables until now and is also reported to be part of the upcoming Blue-Raman cable between India and Italy via Israel. Google has not yet confirmed the news about this project, though. 

Google is Building a New Private Subsea Cable in Spain

Google just announced that it is planning to build a new subsea cable that will be linking the U.S., U.K., and Spain. The new cable is named after the pioneering computer scientist, Grace Hopper and will join Google's various other private subsea cables including the Curie, Dunant, and Equiano cables.

Grace Hopper is reported to go online in 2022. Google is planning to get it built by SubCom, that the company had collaborated with for its Dunant and Curie cables as well. 

Furthermore, Google also plans to launch a new Google cloud in Madrid soon, so perhaps it is working on connecting the region to its global network. The new cable will be Google's first cable in Spain and first private subsea cable route to the U.K.

The cable will contain 16 fibre pairs and according to Google, will be the first cable to feature a new switching architecture that the company developed with SubCom. With this new system, traffic can be moved around outrages more efficiently and with greater reliability. 

The Grace Hopper cable will be Google's fourth fully-owned cable. In addition to that, the company is also a member of several consortiums that jointly operate cables around the world. 

Google has announced investments in a total of 15 subsea cables until now and is also reported to be part of the upcoming Blue-Raman cable between India and Italy via Israel. Google has not yet confirmed the news about this project, though. 

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