Computers have come a long way since they were invented.
From the world of Charles Babbage to a world of Bill Gates, computers have seen
a lot of changes for generations. Today, the computers that we use in our
everyday lives are hundreds, if not thousands of times, more powerful than the
first computer. Even our smartphones can handle more complex calculations than
With technological advancements, computers have become
increasingly more powerful, clearly. But supercomputers are the ones that are
on a whole another level. These enormously powerful machines are responsible
for carrying out complex calculations even for the computers we use in our
daily lives. They are used for complicated simulations involving complex
variables and process them within seconds.
Supercomputers are mostly used for climatic modeling,
economic structures, neuroscience and neurological researches, and even nuclear
There are a handful of companies that have developed the
supercomputers. The current leading supercomputer is Fugaku, which is a product
of a Japanese-based company called Fujitsu. This is said to be the powerful
computing machine on the planet at the moment, which is almost three times as
fast as the former leader and current runner-up supercomputer, Summit, a
product of IBM.
Here is a list of 8 of the world’s top supercomputers,
compared by their computational performance in Teraflops.