Which types of cancer are the most commonly diagnosed, and which types of cancer lead to the most deaths? This chart answers these questions and more using data pulled from the American Cancer Society’s facts and figures for 2020. This information was used to find the estimated number of new cases and estimated number of deaths caused by each of the 46 types of cancer that are the most common in the United States. The total number of new cases estimated for 2020 is more than 1.8 million, or 0.55% of country’s population. The total number of estimated deaths from cancer is one third of the number of new cases at just over 600,000. Cancers of the digestive system are the most commonly diagnosed, making up 18.47% of all cases. They also prove to be the deadliest by making up a whopping 27.66% of all estimated deaths. Which cancer diagnosis numbers were you the most surprised to learn?
Infographic by: www.drugreport.com
Infographic by: www.drugreport.com