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A basic scientific fact is that the human body consists of 70% water. This small statement is an important fact on its own. Almost every component in a human body needs water to function properly; lungs, heart, muscles, kidney and even skin require water. That’s why drinking a lot of water is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Any fitness expert will tell you to drink water at least eight glasses a day to make sure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Drinking water helps you stay hydrated, which has a lot of benefits, including boosting your immune system, carrying oxygen, muscle growth, staying active, strengthen bones and even helps in weight loss. The need for minimum water per day varies per person and depends on many factors such as age, height, gender and also the body type. It is the best practice if you consume 74 ounces of water if you are an adult woman and 101 ounces if you are an adult man.

Make sure that you take a water bottle with you if you are going for any outdoor activity so that you can have access to it whenever.

Please take a look at the following chart to get a deeper understanding of staying hydrated — the importance of water as well as the details of its consumptions.

Stay Hydrated

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Stay Hydrated #infographic

A basic scientific fact is that the human body consists of 70% water. This small statement is an important fact on its own. Almost every component in a human body needs water to function properly; lungs, heart, muscles, kidney and even skin require water. That’s why drinking a lot of water is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Any fitness expert will tell you to drink water at least eight glasses a day to make sure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Drinking water helps you stay hydrated, which has a lot of benefits, including boosting your immune system, carrying oxygen, muscle growth, staying active, strengthen bones and even helps in weight loss. The need for minimum water per day varies per person and depends on many factors such as age, height, gender and also the body type. It is the best practice if you consume 74 ounces of water if you are an adult woman and 101 ounces if you are an adult man.

Make sure that you take a water bottle with you if you are going for any outdoor activity so that you can have access to it whenever.

Please take a look at the following chart to get a deeper understanding of staying hydrated — the importance of water as well as the details of its consumptions.

Stay Hydrated

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