With time, most of us can learn to adjust to the new working schedule. However, time isn’t the only thing that can help your work from home situation better. You can follow some tips that are sure to turn your life around.
A dedicated work area will make it feel like you’re actually at home, and decrease the chances of you wandering around your house trying to get comfortable working. Pick a place with minimal distraction and sufficient desk space. Natural light helps too!
Colors can have a subliminal effect on our subconscious. Make sure you’re surrounded by happy, rich colors that can keep you on your toes (metaphorically speaking) and help you be more productive.
Keep Your (Home) Office Simple
This ties into the theme of removing distraction. Only keep things of value around you, because clutter is the death of productivity. Create a space where your work is your main focus, and where you can get most done.
Buy Plants
Plants are a healthy addition to the interior of any house or office. So if you’re feeling down, or your workspace feels too dull but you don’t want to clutter it, refresh the look of the room with some plants.
Pick the Right Music
This can either a hit or a miss, depending on whether you can focus on work while listening to music. Many people find music calming and help boost their creativity, so it’s a good idea to try some music to get into the right mood.
Stay inspired
Inspiration is everywhere, and all you need to do is look around yourself. Make sure to look away from your work and do things that inspire you every once in a while.
Get Dressed
Getting dressed can have a magical effect when you’re in a slump. It can instantly make you feel more productive and mentally prepare you to be ready for a day of work ahead of you. So make sure to get dressed in something other than your pajamas, even if you’re staying home for the day.
Take Breaks
Human beings are complex machines, and they require a bit of a break every once in a while. Simple exercises, taking a 15-minute walk, just relaxing in the comfort of your couch, or venting to a friend about how it sucks being stuck at home all the time can help you relax and ready to tackle your work again.
Limit Distractions
Distractions are your productivity’s biggest enemy and must be defeated at every cost. Silence your phone if you can, set a timer on your computer, or wear noise-canceling earphones. Whatever helps you get the work done is good.
Create Boundaries
Make sure that your co-habitants understand your work situation, and don’t treat it as a day off. Also, make sure your boss knows not to disturb you after working hours. A healthy work-life balance will allow us to be more productive in the long run.

Infographic by: https://surveys.gobranded.com/