In this Get Upside gas app review, I share what this app is and how it works. The Get Upside is a cashback platform that allows users to make money whenever they make a purchase from a gas station, grocery store, or restaurant.
The app’s objective is to benefit both the user and their business partners. Users are given access to enticing deals associated with items they use on a daily basis. By making these deals available to users, the app is also funneling additional business towards its partners. GetUpside also earns a profit in the process.
This company claims that their business model is designed to give people access to the things they need. They are not necessarily interested in encouraging the purchase of non-essentials. This allows them to stand out from some of their competitors in the marketplace.
I created this infographic to give consumers a snapshot of the benefits of this platform and how to earn with it. Take a look!
infographic by: