All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization #infographic - Visualistan -->

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All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization

We are living in a material world, in that we rely on materials to improve our lives. Without even knowing it, with every convenient food box, impressive house, and technological innovation, humans consume huge amounts of metals and minerals.

The United States Geological Service (USGS) publishes annually commodity summaries that summarize global mining statistics for more than 90 individual minerals and materials. Today's infographic visualizes the data to show the 2019 non-fuel mineral production dramatic size.

A wide variety of minerals may be categorized as "non-fuel," including precious metals, base metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials. Non-fuel minerals, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, are those not used for fuel. If minerals which are not fuel are used up, there is no substitute. Yet many can be constantly recycled.

All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization #infographic

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All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization #infographic

All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization

We are living in a material world, in that we rely on materials to improve our lives. Without even knowing it, with every convenient food box, impressive house, and technological innovation, humans consume huge amounts of metals and minerals.

The United States Geological Service (USGS) publishes annually commodity summaries that summarize global mining statistics for more than 90 individual minerals and materials. Today's infographic visualizes the data to show the 2019 non-fuel mineral production dramatic size.

A wide variety of minerals may be categorized as "non-fuel," including precious metals, base metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials. Non-fuel minerals, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, are those not used for fuel. If minerals which are not fuel are used up, there is no substitute. Yet many can be constantly recycled.

All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization #infographic

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