Dangers of Drug Abuse in Workplace #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Dangers of Drug Abuse in Workplace #infographic

Drug abusers in the workplace cause global employers billions of dollars annually. Recent study show confounding results regarding the trending illegal drug use by employees. Use of the illicit substance or misuse of controlled substance, alcohol, marijuana or other drugs is called drug abuse. Employers have concerns about drug abuse stem from the ways it alters work behavior, causing increased tardiness and absenteeism, lower productivity, a higher rate of mistakes and more industrial accidents.

It also causes antagonistic behavior of employees which leads to workplace violence. According to the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information (NCDA), in U.S k lost to companies causes due to substance abuse up to 100 billion a year. Therefore, employers are looking forward to lowering the cost and increase in productivity by keeping their employees in supervision. Let’s take a look at the info-graphics of the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and how employers can get rid of it.

Dangers of Drug Abuse in Workplace #infographic

infographic by: www.theonespy.com

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