The opioid epidemic in Utah has impacted countless lives across the state. Heroin, morphine, and codeine have high addiction potential. Opioid addiction treatment counteracts the physiological and psychological dependence caused by these substances. With that being said, how can therapists at a safe and effective opioid rehab in Utah help you or a loved one?
Anyone struggling with an opioid addiction knows the pain of withdrawal. It’s the fear of that pain that keeps you using. Withdrawal symptoms can include gastrointestinal upset, severe muscle cramping, and worrisome mood swings. According to opioid use statistics, Utah has one of the highest opioid use rates in the country. Opioid withdrawal can be hard and the thought of going through it alone could easily result in a relapse.
Acqua Recovery’s opioid addiction rehab program in Midway, Utah can eliminate or minimize the discomfort of withdrawal. Secondly, it’ll offer medical supervision of the withdrawal process. Consistent monitoring protects your health and keeps you comfortable. With medically assisted treatment in Utah, you can complete an opioid detox program in about a week.
Overcoming opioid addiction does not happen overnight and breaking the physical addiction through a detox program in Utah is just the first step. You need to learn coping mechanisms that will help you deal with the situations that trigger you in order to prevent relapse.
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