Although job growth has elevated since the 1990s, navigating the market remains a difficult task. Saying this, the job hunt starts earlier than you think. Since 2017, 54% of recent graduates have faced obstacles in finding steady employment, the right job, or internship. With the hiring market up in the air, the journey to your dream job starts long before graduation.
To get started on choosing the right career path for you, meet with your school counselor or attend a job fair. This will aide in choosing the right college and major. Holding skills in critical thinking, communication, and problem solving are essential as 4 in 5 employers seek hires with a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences. Preparing letters of reference, building an online portfolio, and a strong Linkedin presence when on a job search can be very helpful.
6 months after college, 64% of American graduates are employed, or engaged in further study - but some colleges see much better outcomes. Give your career a head start - choose the right college for a better transition from college to career.
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