Living longer is a goal humanity has been striving for for many years and science shows that having a goal at all and having a sense of purpose, people had a 15% lower risk of an early death compared with those who said they felt aimless and had no goals. Stress also can be a huge detriment and life and people are stressed about their future, money, and work.
Stress and trauma in the long term can lead to decreased ability in many things. A good way of relieving stress from negative thoughts is to reframe negative thoughts or experiences from something that is bad to another hurdle to jump in the challenge of life.
Just like how relieving stress is good for you and your body, a study by the University of Michigan showed that seniors that reported low levels of purposefulness were 2.4 times more likely to pass away over the next few years. The conclusion? A purposeful life can lead to a longer and better life.
Find out how to build a purpose in life that you can enjoy with you and your family for years to come here.
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